Join us for worship at 5:00PM and a meal immediately following.
LEARN MOREGIVE NOWWhat is Waves Church? Waves Church is a church of Christ that meets on Pepperdine University's Malibu campus. We launched in August 2023 with a simple idea - meet together and eat together. Every week we aim to feed body and soul as we pursue the mission God has given us.
Our Mission
Waves Church exists to make and grow followers of Jesus. We do this in community, on campus, for the kingdom.
In Community
No one is made to follow Jesus alone. We gather weekly to eat together, worship together, and open God’s Word together.
On Campus
The college years go fast, but they run deep. We believe God can use Waves Church to impact the trajectory of Pepperdine students’ lives.
For the Kingdom
Every local church is part of a bigger story. We celebrate the sending of faith-filled alumni all over the world for the sake of God’s kingdom advancing.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.